
What is Angina ?

Angina is chest pain due to myocardial ischemia(Myocardial ischemia occurs when blood flow to your heart is reduced, preventing the heart muscle from receiving enough oxygen)

There are 3 types of Angina.

1.Stable Angina
2.Unstable Angina
3.Prinzemetal Angina

Stable Angina

Stable Angina occurs when the heart is working harder than usual. It means when you are working hardfor instance, during exercise your heart is functioning lot than the normal behavior. It usually lasts around 5 minutes and It has a regular pattern, may experience it for months or years.

Unstable Angina

It usually occurs during rest with increasing severity. (If you are not treated for stable angina you may develop angina still at restIn this Heart can’t function properly due to coronary artery obstruction or ischemia. The pain lasts longer than 5 minutes

Unstable angina can cause the risk of a heart attack.Anyone with unexpected angina should receive emergency care.

Prinzemetal Angina

It usually occurs when a person is at rest, between midnight and early morning. Often occurred by physical exertion or emotional stress

Author : Charuni Wickramasinghe

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